December 13, 2007

What this do you last weekend?

On Saturday.In the morning ,I get up to 8.30 am but I don’t to take a bath.I watch a television I watch to about cartoon and series Korea. I get dressed to 11.30 am ,then I’m housework is to iron clothes and launder by washing machine. After that finish to housework,I went to Siam square in order to x-ray tooth which this clinic stay to Siam square and under a foot – bridge between Siam square and MBK.After I finished to x-ray,I necessary to wait film which it must to wait an estimate 20 – 30 minutes which I,mom and sister walked out from clinic and enter in Bonanza which there have 3 floors and top floor have foot – bridge to across to toward MBK.But,we walked to bottom floor area and my sister walked to pass a store,she saw it have a similar to evening dress but when ask a price, this suit of clothes have a price as don’t to expensive and coincidental is my family will go to wedding at TAWANA HOTEL which my sister accepted to bought this suit of clothes in price 400 bath,then we come back to clinic in order to get film x-ray and outside from clinic which we are decision go to Khongsarn by taxi but we don’t to goal which I called to Sipraya Pier and we can cross from one side of river because of it can to arrive a goal.We walked to Khongsarn Market.This market have a similsry with Bonanza but this market have a price to cheap more than Bonanza.Khongsarn market have a shoes store so much which have style for man and woman.Also,a clothes have a lot of and have a different design but the most it will be clothes of woman.I bought to a woolen coat 1 piece and mom with sister bought to shoes each 1 piece.After that,we walked to in front of market,we bought to papaya, chicken fried, pork fried and glutinous rice which papaya store it has a mortar as big size and I don’t to saw a mortar this style.Then,we called to tuk-tuk toward my home.Not much longer I went to yard which have name is LAN KHON MUENG,there have a wide size and there will be have aerobic dance in evening and everyday and I don’t to aerobic dance but I rode a bicycle.After that I walked to cuttlefish shop and fruit shop which cuttlefish and fruit ,I likes it.Also,fruit as I likes is mango and guava.Then,I’m playing computer and I received a phone from friend and talked until to midnight which I urgently to sleep since tomorrow,I necessary must to get up since early.

On Sunday.My family went to wedding of relative which it’s a wedding in afternoon and I dressed to coat,short – trousers and canvas shoes but we can’t to stay until finish.Because my father have a necessary must to prepare in order to go to airport for fly to SONGKLAH.Also,in the evening I have a party at Benjamarachalai School which a ticket have a price is 500 each person.Which I pay to money but I don’t to go to party because I’m sick and I have a manner is headache and I feel giddy.Which It is to cause until I woke up late on Monday.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

This is a long story indeed! In the future add more pictures and work on your grammar. After a dot a space. "After I finished to(incorrect) [the] x-ray,I necessary(wrong [had] to wait [for the] film (which it must to wait an(wrong)) [for an] estimate[d] 20 – 30 minutes. (which(incorrect)) [So]I,[my] mom and [my] sister walked out (from(incorrect)) [of] [the]clinic and enter[ed] (in(remove)) Bonanza[.] (which(remove)) There (have(remove)) [are] 3 floors and [the] top floor ha(ve)[s] [a]foot – bridge to (a(remove))cross [the road] to (toward(remove)) MBK."