December 13, 2007


Impressive means making you feel admiration,because they are very large,good,skilful,etc.For me an impression have thus.

First,I finished of education at high – school,At school there have party it is give a farewell party before must to go separately in order to go to education in university.which this party will be having in the last exam.which it will party since 4.00 – 6.30pm and it will have a ceremony fasten wrist and teacher will be speaking a bless,then everyclass will be showing and student will speak a bless mutually.which everybody feels sad and happy.Sad because we must to separate and brave with wide world and happy because we get to finish education.

Second,in high – school period.I get to work in school.I’m doing to work about public relation which this work have a duty is publicize information for a student in school will know event in school everymonth.But,public relation is activity must have a patient and fight to work because this work it can’t to the one man show which in school public relation necessary must separate a person which everybody have a different in duty which I have a duty is connect and coordinate the work which I necessary to talked with teacher for inquire to information as public relation can publicize by month and send to information toward compiler and start to print which I and friend have work again is give to journal with a student for acknowledge.And in evening I and the others public relation must to arrange come at information room because parents if they don’t to meet a student,we will must to announcement by we will speak pass megaphone.Public relation have head is teacher which is advisor of me and a person as work must can ready as responsibility and renounce to time for working.I’m doing this work 3 years before finish education.I feels happy and get to acknowledge in work system which I think teacher must to difficult because she must to teach and she can’t to deny command from director.After that I finished education,I come back at school and I saw who don’t to help teacher work about public relation which teacher must heavy burden.But,I confident in teacher will pass barrier this time.

Third,not much longer.Approximate on November is birthday of my father.And,coincidental I know to restaurant which this here to make a sell all food of the main course and dessert which I familiar to eat with friends since birthday of my friend and after to eat food,we order to dessert that is cake which have many styles such as Fruit fudge cake,Strawberry cake,Blueberry cheese cake ,Butter cake,Green tea cake and the others.But,for price of food & dessert,it rather to expensive but I thinks it’s a worthwhile if who get to test food.After I thinks this cake have a delicious,I went to this restaurant again and inquire officer in restaurant about price of cake and I decision to order Blueberry cheese cake which it has almost 1,000 bath.But I feels happy because I keep a money until can to buy cake is gift of father.And,when birthday of father,we are eating in family and happy.And,this is impressive of me.

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