December 13, 2007

My hobby & my favourite

Hobby means an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working.My hobby is sleeping,playing computer and read a book.For sleeping I likes it because if I have a trouble story and I get to sleeping it can to forget and don’t to serious perhaps it helps a relieve about serious.Which to sleeping have a benefit so much and offered about to benefit.Sleeping is take a rest as superb which I think to sleeping can to help to brain get to relax because if we take a brain everytime,it must have once day happened to “Knock Out”.Even when Robot it is necessary to switch off and human will don’t to rest.I think to impossible and for me,sleeping is choose be number one.For playing computer I likes it because it makes to funny and happy. Which I likes to chatting and playing game computer online,I likes to chatting because I can talked with friend and ask to work or consult in problem.Also,game computer online by I’m playing 2 games is Pangya & Audition. Pangya is game about golf it is game as copy from golf which in game we must to saw a wind and direction if we hit and enter wood or fall a water game will become we mistake and mark must to add which to cause we have a chance to lose. Which this game it makes a new friend and get to know about rule and vocabulary of golf.Audition is game about dancing.It is game dance which we have a duty to push a arrow follow as game fix which dance have many a style but I likes to Dance competition is everybody must dance type ready which if who dance mistake must stop 1 level then playing continue also melody will be having many level which it is game as train eye and adroitness.For read a book,I likes book about interior design,travel,and verse.Interior design means the art or job of chosing the paint,carpets,furniture,etc.To decorate the inside of a house.I likes to design but I can’t to drawing .Also travel I likes to natural and adventure which I search to information and ready to tour everytime.Also verse I likes it because if I read about verse it can to make an imagine which I think it make a happy for me.

Favorite means liked more than others of the same kind.My favorite is snoopy.Snoopy is doll as I likes it so much but I don’t to told reason.But,I thinks snoopy it has a pretty and if I have a serious and see snoopy’s smiling it can to help relax and I will feels silence.But,in Thailand snoopy has a little which not much longer I saw snoopy at Watson.Which this here have a pillow,blanket,glove,umbrella and the others.But,for price I thinks it’s expensive too many.Although I likes to snoopy but I can’t to fight a price.So,I can’t everything about snoopy but perhaps I will buy something as make a useful though it rather to expensive but I accept it because it’s favorite for me.

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