February 17, 2008

Experience for take care a patient

Last New Year. My father had a sick symptom but first stage my father unaccepted go to hospital, He has a symptom is giddy, some consciousness but don’t complete, and he can’t take care yourself. When my father has a sick, my mother and me was feeling a serious and anxious him. After passed to 4 days, he stilled a non-good and my mother lead my father went to hospital at Bangkok Christian hospital. Which my father can’t walk by he must used pushcart of patient and we waited to until a doctor called to name my father. When my father got to check with doctor which doctor order to nurse give admit my father for check symptom which my father take a rest at 568 room which this room can watch over in room 1 person. After that my father entrance to room, not much longer a nurse lead my father went to BNH hospital because a doctor order nurse give lead to scan brain by detail and this place don’t have scan brain machine, which I got to seat a hospital car and it is the first time for me, and I was exciting, when arrived BNH hospital I waited my father to 2 hours. Which at BNH majority the foreign will come to treat that here and I just to know BNH am international and it has around the world. After finished at BNH, we come back at hospital and entrance to lounge and in during come back which we stayed in hospital car my father got to vomit and he told to better which I feel relieved and glad so much. When entrance to lounge my father can talked and communication a better we were taking until relatives of father, they asked a symptom and told my father relax and take care yourself which my father feel thank when at 8.30 pm. A nurse take a drug which she told this is a drug after food .which today I must sleep that here which after my mother come back at home by before come back my brother lead a evening dress and equipment about take a bath. Then everybody leaved from lounge I take a bath and waited until midnight because a nurse will check a symptom about a patient which I asked nurse about a symptom of father and asked say she will arrive to lounge, what time?. Which I got to answer is 5.00 am. Which this place entrance to lounge often more than hospital of government because my mother ever lead my father went to check a symptom at hospital of government which they waited a symptom to 2 hours and a doctor that here give a drug for headache untie which it can’t help to treat anything. Which after I got to take care my father at hospital, I will sleep half-sleep and half-wake which I take care my father to 3 days 3 nights which I will half-sleep and half-wake everyday at I take care my father but I feel proud and glad for take care my father.

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