December 15, 2007

My Birthday

On Saturday.It is My Birthday which I get to activity all day and yesterday.Yesterday,in evening my friends and me went to eat at The White Flower Restaurant.Before to restaurant we are together at my home and my friends gives a gift which I feels a glad and I spoke thank you to friends.Then,we went to restaurant and spend eat and talk almost 1 hour 45 minute.Inside restaurant to decorate style classic which I feels a silence and comfortable.But It has a defect that is It don’t have a private because a customer the others and waiter will walk everytime.But we separated to table from a human.Also,today I woke up to 8.00 am and hurry up to take a bath since My family will be going to Suthat Temple for make merit which today I just have 20 years olds.Which today my mother get to prepare to gifts or food presented to the Buddhist priests for I will to give offerings to a Buddhist monk.And,long time ago as I don’t to make merit with family.In this time make merit It makes a happy and delighted.Then we come back at home and my mother is cooking for have a meal in family and have many kind.Approximate 1.45 pm I went to central pinklao with younger sister.We get to see the movie is Buddha.Which this cinema make from history of Buddha which this cinema shows about painful,difficult and abandon from lust and everything.After that finished to cinema I feels an impression and want to see the movie again.I thinks it is cinema It gives a benefit and knowledge a lot of and In everyspeak of cinema it gives to viewpoint and profit.Then we went to 555 store.This store sell about to paper and letter envelop which inside to store will have a different of paper but when it has a pretty of paper it will have an expensive and I bought to diary which it has snoopy on note and it has a price 89 bath.Then,
we walked out from department and across to opposite for called to taxi but before called younger sister want to buy hand – bag and perfume which when we stayed to perfume store and shop assistant get to inject,suddenly I feels headache and giddy but after we go up on taxi I feels a comfort and normal.We arrived home at 5.10 pm.Then,I and family went to restaurant for have food because next week my father will to travel for working and my mother will to travel for working too.And today my friends send to message for bless for me which it makes a happy for me.

December 13, 2007

What this do you last weekend?

On Saturday.In the morning ,I get up to 8.30 am but I don’t to take a bath.I watch a television I watch to about cartoon and series Korea. I get dressed to 11.30 am ,then I’m housework is to iron clothes and launder by washing machine. After that finish to housework,I went to Siam square in order to x-ray tooth which this clinic stay to Siam square and under a foot – bridge between Siam square and MBK.After I finished to x-ray,I necessary to wait film which it must to wait an estimate 20 – 30 minutes which I,mom and sister walked out from clinic and enter in Bonanza which there have 3 floors and top floor have foot – bridge to across to toward MBK.But,we walked to bottom floor area and my sister walked to pass a store,she saw it have a similar to evening dress but when ask a price, this suit of clothes have a price as don’t to expensive and coincidental is my family will go to wedding at TAWANA HOTEL which my sister accepted to bought this suit of clothes in price 400 bath,then we come back to clinic in order to get film x-ray and outside from clinic which we are decision go to Khongsarn by taxi but we don’t to goal which I called to Sipraya Pier and we can cross from one side of river because of it can to arrive a goal.We walked to Khongsarn Market.This market have a similsry with Bonanza but this market have a price to cheap more than Bonanza.Khongsarn market have a shoes store so much which have style for man and woman.Also,a clothes have a lot of and have a different design but the most it will be clothes of woman.I bought to a woolen coat 1 piece and mom with sister bought to shoes each 1 piece.After that,we walked to in front of market,we bought to papaya, chicken fried, pork fried and glutinous rice which papaya store it has a mortar as big size and I don’t to saw a mortar this style.Then,we called to tuk-tuk toward my home.Not much longer I went to yard which have name is LAN KHON MUENG,there have a wide size and there will be have aerobic dance in evening and everyday and I don’t to aerobic dance but I rode a bicycle.After that I walked to cuttlefish shop and fruit shop which cuttlefish and fruit ,I likes it.Also,fruit as I likes is mango and guava.Then,I’m playing computer and I received a phone from friend and talked until to midnight which I urgently to sleep since tomorrow,I necessary must to get up since early.

On Sunday.My family went to wedding of relative which it’s a wedding in afternoon and I dressed to coat,short – trousers and canvas shoes but we can’t to stay until finish.Because my father have a necessary must to prepare in order to go to airport for fly to SONGKLAH.Also,in the evening I have a party at Benjamarachalai School which a ticket have a price is 500 each person.Which I pay to money but I don’t to go to party because I’m sick and I have a manner is headache and I feel giddy.Which It is to cause until I woke up late on Monday.


Impressive means making you feel admiration,because they are very large,good,skilful,etc.For me an impression have thus.

First,I finished of education at high – school,At school there have party it is give a farewell party before must to go separately in order to go to education in university.which this party will be having in the last exam.which it will party since 4.00 – 6.30pm and it will have a ceremony fasten wrist and teacher will be speaking a bless,then everyclass will be showing and student will speak a bless mutually.which everybody feels sad and happy.Sad because we must to separate and brave with wide world and happy because we get to finish education.

Second,in high – school period.I get to work in school.I’m doing to work about public relation which this work have a duty is publicize information for a student in school will know event in school everymonth.But,public relation is activity must have a patient and fight to work because this work it can’t to the one man show which in school public relation necessary must separate a person which everybody have a different in duty which I have a duty is connect and coordinate the work which I necessary to talked with teacher for inquire to information as public relation can publicize by month and send to information toward compiler and start to print which I and friend have work again is give to journal with a student for acknowledge.And in evening I and the others public relation must to arrange come at information room because parents if they don’t to meet a student,we will must to announcement by we will speak pass megaphone.Public relation have head is teacher which is advisor of me and a person as work must can ready as responsibility and renounce to time for working.I’m doing this work 3 years before finish education.I feels happy and get to acknowledge in work system which I think teacher must to difficult because she must to teach and she can’t to deny command from director.After that I finished education,I come back at school and I saw who don’t to help teacher work about public relation which teacher must heavy burden.But,I confident in teacher will pass barrier this time.

Third,not much longer.Approximate on November is birthday of my father.And,coincidental I know to restaurant which this here to make a sell all food of the main course and dessert which I familiar to eat with friends since birthday of my friend and after to eat food,we order to dessert that is cake which have many styles such as Fruit fudge cake,Strawberry cake,Blueberry cheese cake ,Butter cake,Green tea cake and the others.But,for price of food & dessert,it rather to expensive but I thinks it’s a worthwhile if who get to test food.After I thinks this cake have a delicious,I went to this restaurant again and inquire officer in restaurant about price of cake and I decision to order Blueberry cheese cake which it has almost 1,000 bath.But I feels happy because I keep a money until can to buy cake is gift of father.And,when birthday of father,we are eating in family and happy.And,this is impressive of me.

My hobby & my favourite

Hobby means an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working.My hobby is sleeping,playing computer and read a book.For sleeping I likes it because if I have a trouble story and I get to sleeping it can to forget and don’t to serious perhaps it helps a relieve about serious.Which to sleeping have a benefit so much and offered about to benefit.Sleeping is take a rest as superb which I think to sleeping can to help to brain get to relax because if we take a brain everytime,it must have once day happened to “Knock Out”.Even when Robot it is necessary to switch off and human will don’t to rest.I think to impossible and for me,sleeping is choose be number one.For playing computer I likes it because it makes to funny and happy. Which I likes to chatting and playing game computer online,I likes to chatting because I can talked with friend and ask to work or consult in problem.Also,game computer online by I’m playing 2 games is Pangya & Audition. Pangya is game about golf it is game as copy from golf which in game we must to saw a wind and direction if we hit and enter wood or fall a water game will become we mistake and mark must to add which to cause we have a chance to lose. Which this game it makes a new friend and get to know about rule and vocabulary of golf.Audition is game about dancing.It is game dance which we have a duty to push a arrow follow as game fix which dance have many a style but I likes to Dance competition is everybody must dance type ready which if who dance mistake must stop 1 level then playing continue also melody will be having many level which it is game as train eye and adroitness.For read a book,I likes book about interior design,travel,and verse.Interior design means the art or job of chosing the paint,carpets,furniture,etc.To decorate the inside of a house.I likes to design but I can’t to drawing .Also travel I likes to natural and adventure which I search to information and ready to tour everytime.Also verse I likes it because if I read about verse it can to make an imagine which I think it make a happy for me.

Favorite means liked more than others of the same kind.My favorite is snoopy.Snoopy is doll as I likes it so much but I don’t to told reason.But,I thinks snoopy it has a pretty and if I have a serious and see snoopy’s smiling it can to help relax and I will feels silence.But,in Thailand snoopy has a little which not much longer I saw snoopy at Watson.Which this here have a pillow,blanket,glove,umbrella and the others.But,for price I thinks it’s expensive too many.Although I likes to snoopy but I can’t to fight a price.So,I can’t everything about snoopy but perhaps I will buy something as make a useful though it rather to expensive but I accept it because it’s favorite for me.


Sport means Activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules.For me sport is exercise which I loves a sport,specific is volleyball and swim but I can to sport so much.Such as Badminton,Basketball,and the others.Since high – school,I loves and playing sport everyday which my friends likes to sport too.And,everymidday after to eat I and friend,my friend name is Lek .We are playing sport in yard until finish break times.But if I and Lek have a free time we often play sport every time and to include finish time to learn,we won’t to stroll but we will be playing a volleyball.For me and Lek saw a sport is friend and a sport have a benefit so much thus.First,it we exercise 2-3 days/week, exercise make to immunity and protect todisease but to exercise mustn’t overexert because to cause have a symptom to get hurt which I think It is exercise as not benefit.Second,exercise can to make a new friend,sport have single and all team but the most like to team which I think too.For me usually to meet a new friend from sport which I and lek usual to arrange a time and place for meeting at sports stadium which we will be playing to estimate 5-6 when arrive in the evening we went to eat and talk about general or make an appointment to holiday style stay overnight all the whole day.I familiar to get a new friend from sport stadium and to cause we are intimate until to present – time.In period of high – school,I and lek is sportman of school and I with lek is buddy as everybody to accept and when have a compete,we can to grasp a position 1in6 every time.Which I won’t to tall but I can play to position is set and plan game.I and lek when finish semester by we haven’t to learn we will be meeting which may 1-2 week or talk a phone.Third,sport can to cause a relax and comfortable which it isn’t about body but it is a mind which everyday a human don’t to important with healthy by yourself but they gives to important with work and money more than everything.So,I believe the present – time a human don’t to appreciate of healthy which it is things important to life because if we have a money to a lot of but a person don’t to life.We can’t to spend a money which it don’t to a value with healthy.If we take care yourself,
we will have a strong healthy and healthy is happy of life.I’m confident sport can do everytime such as walk,ride a bicycle,aerobic dance,fitness and the others.Exercise isn’t to necessary as must to play spory but it can do everymanner.For me exercise can compare with hobby it can do everytime when have a free time.I want to give everybody think to about healthy and want to exercise by play sport or the others as to cause a human have a happy all body and mind.

Once day as busy

I don’t to understood.why I have meet to busy today?.So,I want to narrate about Once day as busy.Since in the morning,I woke up to 5.30 am,
I spend to get dressed to 1 hour.Then,I will be going to breakfast in order to give my family.Today,I have meet to party with friend.Which we are friend since high school,we have all 7 persons.And,this time we can all together which it is a difficult for group of me.we make an appointment to 11.30 am in order to can to eat in afternoon.And I arrived to Siam to 11.40 am which I come is the last person.Then,we went to MK Restaurant and spend to eat almost 2 hours,then we walked to MBK in order to see the movie is “Fighting Beat” which it is story about boxing and it is kind an action.For a cinema have originate from Suayglarng Island at Aundaman Sea .It is foreigners many country and many culture to travel for search to experience with to supreme entertaining which everybody want to rhyme just once in life at Chokdee Bar Boxing.Which tourist all man&woman likes to boxing in order to make a funny,which this is cause to capitalist a foreigners want to buy .But,the owner of boxing tells a deny until it become a quarrel which lead to battle dignity and
piece of land and this is cause as the boxing which not rule and fix to fighting which to cause a start antique box called name is PAHUYU and PAHUYU box will be showing to majestic of arts Thai all body&mind.We spend to see the movie finished to 4.20 pm and we stroll until we across to Siam and enter in Bonanza which we saw a clothes and earing which I bought to clothes which it is a T – shirt style when we bought to the end.We walked toward Restaurant but we don’t know to eat which we decision to Fuji Restaurant at Siam Paragon which there is rather have a private and atmosphere good but it is an expensive but we have a happy because we aren’t to meet often because everybody learn to different to university.We ate to 6.00 pm and coincidental my mother call to me and told to toward Tesco Lotus Lama1 which I must to separate from friend and I told see you! And we can to talk when you free time.Then,I called to tuk-tuk in order to meet my mom.My mother come to Lotus because she must to buy an edibles and utensils which I have a duty to transport car which we arrived at home to 8.50 pm ,then I went to Yaowarat in order to buy Thai tune which I ate since younger it has sufficient taste by I rode a bicycle when I arrived at home,I urgent to take a bath and hurry up do homework until neat.Today,I have a happy and I hope I will be meeting with my friend everytime when we have a chance.