February 17, 2008

Experience for take care a patient

Last New Year. My father had a sick symptom but first stage my father unaccepted go to hospital, He has a symptom is giddy, some consciousness but don’t complete, and he can’t take care yourself. When my father has a sick, my mother and me was feeling a serious and anxious him. After passed to 4 days, he stilled a non-good and my mother lead my father went to hospital at Bangkok Christian hospital. Which my father can’t walk by he must used pushcart of patient and we waited to until a doctor called to name my father. When my father got to check with doctor which doctor order to nurse give admit my father for check symptom which my father take a rest at 568 room which this room can watch over in room 1 person. After that my father entrance to room, not much longer a nurse lead my father went to BNH hospital because a doctor order nurse give lead to scan brain by detail and this place don’t have scan brain machine, which I got to seat a hospital car and it is the first time for me, and I was exciting, when arrived BNH hospital I waited my father to 2 hours. Which at BNH majority the foreign will come to treat that here and I just to know BNH am international and it has around the world. After finished at BNH, we come back at hospital and entrance to lounge and in during come back which we stayed in hospital car my father got to vomit and he told to better which I feel relieved and glad so much. When entrance to lounge my father can talked and communication a better we were taking until relatives of father, they asked a symptom and told my father relax and take care yourself which my father feel thank when at 8.30 pm. A nurse take a drug which she told this is a drug after food .which today I must sleep that here which after my mother come back at home by before come back my brother lead a evening dress and equipment about take a bath. Then everybody leaved from lounge I take a bath and waited until midnight because a nurse will check a symptom about a patient which I asked nurse about a symptom of father and asked say she will arrive to lounge, what time?. Which I got to answer is 5.00 am. Which this place entrance to lounge often more than hospital of government because my mother ever lead my father went to check a symptom at hospital of government which they waited a symptom to 2 hours and a doctor that here give a drug for headache untie which it can’t help to treat anything. Which after I got to take care my father at hospital, I will sleep half-sleep and half-wake which I take care my father to 3 days 3 nights which I will half-sleep and half-wake everyday at I take care my father but I feel proud and glad for take care my father.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is ceremony of Chinese person. And this ceremony 1 year have 1 day. But this ceremony has 3 days which Chinese person called to a purchasing day, to pay respect to god, and Chinese New Year. First day called a purchasing day by Chinese person has a duty to buy products which the majority will buy products at yaowarat market, pahkkhong market, mahanak market because it is a big market, and especially yaowarat market is market as important of Chinese person. When the Chinese New Year festival started many products the price will increase 2-3 twofold. But everybody accepted to buy products although products will have an expensive which a person solve problem by reduce a products for pay respect to god. Second day called to pay respect to god which adult will wake up in early morning in order to prepare for respect to god which we will use things from buy a yesterday. For respect to god with respect to ancestors used to things same but we must respect to god before respect to ancestors, and things for respect god with ancestors which the majority will used is pork, chicken, eggs, rice, fruits, intoxicating beverage, aerated water, and fresh water. And, respect to god imperative must respect in the morning and forbid to respect in the evening because the Chinese person believe it will make a bright to life. And for respect to ancestors, adult can respect in the afternoon which the majority favors respect to ancestors in the afternoon because the Chinese person believe the ancestors likes to drink and eat in the afternoon. Third day called to Chinese New Year, it is third day which this day everybody in family will family union and have a party for talk and adult will distribute money given to children as a spring festival which a children will speak to thank with adult which I think children will have a happy because they can keep a money.

In Chinese New Year, I get to help my mother is I bought to products at pahkkhong market which my mother bought to fruits and flower, although this place products it has a cheap but for ceremony, the products have a price expensive 2-3 twofold which I see and I can give an example is my mother bought to banana which normally it has 40 bath/piece but when the ceremony a woman monger will sell is 100-120 bath/piece which I think a woman monger to profit-making more than normal. After that bought products at market, I come back at home and keep things until already. And tomorrow is respect to god and ancestors I don’t stay at home but good luck my brother stay at home and he can help my mother instead my mother will be a woman show. And third day, I and relatives were eating at house and talked until finish eat to adult start to pay money give children and when at 10.30 pm. Everybody started separate come back at home. And I got to pay money from adult relatives to 3 envelops.

February 10, 2008


Last weekend. I went to Karnjanaburi Province. Since early morning, we were a beginning a journey by car and we separated to 2 cars. First car is van and second car is Isuzu. We were driving a car by don’t hurry up and take a rest in order to eat a noodle which I’m eating to 2 bowl which this store have a meatball to delicious, meatball don’t a fishy smell. Then we moved from noodle restaurant and my mother was driving a car with my uncle until to Tiger Park. And a ticket have a price expensive maybe group tour came to holiday. For ticket price, if we are Siamese and come this place to morning, the ticket price is 60 bath/person but if is foreign, this place the ticket price each for 300 bath. The tiger park, a person as provide food and shelter until teach to tame by a monk and in park will protect to animals escape by make a wall and put up a fence. Furthermore authority get to tell tourist is this park was adjoining with border of The Union of Burma. A person wanted to entrance the tiger park, I suggested to cap and water because at this place so hot more than Bangkok. And a person enter inside must spend to estimate 1.30 hours. Which when I arrived to tiger park, I don’t to entrance because today the hot weather and inside the tiger park so hot which I think if I entrance to park I maybe to faint. After that we were leaving the tiger park. We went to Maenhamkwaa River Bridge; we walked to railroad track which this bridge is History Bridge the world. But when I get to see, I feel the bridge still a strong and have a train to run. And this place have salesman about stone, bracelet, necklace and the others. Then we were leaving from Maenhamkwaa River Bridge, my mother was driving a car turn back to Bangkok and went to eat at MK Restaurant which my family must separate to 4 tables. We spend to eat estimate 2 hours. Then I went to my parents toward at Zeen Zone, this store stayed to 5 floor of Silom complex, this store sold about to miscellaneous things such as bunch of keys, dolls, note-book, bag, and the others. But this place has a price rather expensive but I think it is a worthwhile because product has a quality. Then my families walked to pass A&W which my father likes waffles pour ice-cream that here so much. Which if my family went to holiday and passed to A&W, we like to buy it.
After that we leaved from Silom Complex, We walked for pleasure and saw to product at side road. And come back at home which I opened to computer and work give with my father about legal until already. And I take a bath and watching T.V for a while. And I’m sleeping at 0.30 am. Which tomorrow my parents will go to Bangsan, it is a sea which I’m glad.

Children Day

Children day is On Saturday of second week, January. Every this festival adult will persuade a child go to zoo, prime minister’s residence, etc. And my family went to make merit at Paknhampasirjarern temple. It neared at Pasrijarern pier. My family a persuade helped to redeem a cow and we went to obeisance a monk and leaved to the temple. We went to Nakornchaisri district. We came to eat at Nonglak kitchen which this kitchen is stationed kitchen because if we came at Nakornchaisri , except to give a fish food majority will came to eat that here arising from it is a cheap and delicious food. Which I order to au-derf is fruits papaya. It had many fruits with carot mix and put a plate. This kitchen are doing a good food and clean. After that eat at Nakornchaisri, my parents went to massage at Dontoom District. He is a doctor about massage I think he is profession. My parent familiar a massage with doctor often.
I like to massage with this person because he spend to massage 2-3 minutes/person. And, after that to massage I and my parents feels good and release the tension which this doctor think to massage fee 80 bath/person. I think to cheap because massage helped to relax and good comfortable. Then we leaved to doctor’s house. My brother was driving until I saw a Whunkhunau. Which this store have a reputation about dessert. And I like to jelly that here and that jelly had many style such as sungkayah jelly, coconut jelly, lodchong jelly, looktarn jelly, etc. Which this place do jelly a delicious taste and cheap price. Then I come back at home and my family take a rest by sleeping and I’m playing computer by I played to Zuma. Zuma is game about eggs by player must shoot egg color at game fix which this game have 2 styles is adventure and fight but whole 2 styles have a good is helped to train about accurate, idea, prudence and active every time. And this game I can passed to barrier 11 stages, 1 stage had 7 passed. At 6.15 pm. My family leaved to home and toward central rama3 at Huasenghong Restaurant. This restaurant is Chinese food emphasize Timsum. We came to restaurant owing to the fourth brother of father will turn back at Australia. My father gets to give farewell party before travel 1 day. And when I finished for food I walked for pleasure in area, I saw to bunch of keys which it is hand made and when I asked to salesman, He told me this work hand make come from a person disabled which it make to impressive for me. And I bought to bunch of keys 2 pieces. And I came back to table at restaurant. My relative asked and walk to that store for look to products. After that my family and relatives went to shoes shop which my mother get to bought shoes give my father which this shoes will have node for massage to foot. And everybody separate to home. And tomorrow, my parents must send to the fourth brother of father at Suvhannaphum airport.

New Year

This New Year. I was holidaying at Nakornratchasrima province. I went to with my parents and relatives which I estimated to 15 – 20 persons. I went to Tonnam home stay. It is resting place. Inside of place, it has a circle which rest-house will surround to yard, also yard have a wide area which yard can put up camp or tent and middle of circle have a pool which the owner of rest-house get to make a slider for a person like to exercise. And this rest-house have a bicycle for ride in order to see view and exercise and the others rest I believe don’t have a bicycle. There have watch-tower 4 floors which everybody can see view from this point.

First day. I was leaving from Bangkok which we separated 2 groups, first group leaved since early morning because they are going to make merit at Sothorn Temple. Sothorn Temple inhabit chacherngsow province. In this place, Siamese to respect and faith. I believe everybody in Thai must know this Temple. Second group leaved to travel delayed so this group went to rest-house. And a second group to arrived a goal before first group which second group arrived to rest-house, everybody helped to utensils and keep. Then first group arrived a rest-house, a man went to put up camp or tent until finished. After that everybody relaxed and see a star which at this place can see a star full sky and I think it is a beautiful which in Bangkok can’t to see a star.

Second day. I woke up at 7.00 am. I ate milk with sandwich which a milk this here, we were ordering at farm and it had a delicious taste. Today I, my brother, relatives combine in to a group I order to ride a bicycle from rest-house to entrance lane. I’m feeling tired and exhaust but I felt a glad and proud so much because I don’t ride a bicycle to distant.

Third day. I woke up at 6.30 am. Today, that here good weather which my older brother, me, and my younger brother. We persuaded go to ride a bicycle which we are 4 persons to OK. Which today I ride bicycle by it has gear manual which it can change a level and it is bicycle of my father. We are riding a bicycle toward Thublan national park which it stayed to back-side of rest-house. There have kilometer stone; it is a bigger than a person and this place still have a nature to complete. Then we ride a bicycle until enter to rest-house and I take a bath, then we are playing domino game which it was making to laugh and happy. To night, I waited to count down with my friend by used a telephone and sent to message before sleeping.

Fourth day. Today I will come back at home. We are leaving to rest-house at 10.30 am. And I arrived to Bangkok at 2.30 pm. Which when I arrived at home I hurry up to prepare about education because I must come to university tomorrow.

December 15, 2007

My Birthday

On Saturday.It is My Birthday which I get to activity all day and yesterday.Yesterday,in evening my friends and me went to eat at The White Flower Restaurant.Before to restaurant we are together at my home and my friends gives a gift which I feels a glad and I spoke thank you to friends.Then,we went to restaurant and spend eat and talk almost 1 hour 45 minute.Inside restaurant to decorate style classic which I feels a silence and comfortable.But It has a defect that is It don’t have a private because a customer the others and waiter will walk everytime.But we separated to table from a human.Also,today I woke up to 8.00 am and hurry up to take a bath since My family will be going to Suthat Temple for make merit which today I just have 20 years olds.Which today my mother get to prepare to gifts or food presented to the Buddhist priests for I will to give offerings to a Buddhist monk.And,long time ago as I don’t to make merit with family.In this time make merit It makes a happy and delighted.Then we come back at home and my mother is cooking for have a meal in family and have many kind.Approximate 1.45 pm I went to central pinklao with younger sister.We get to see the movie is Buddha.Which this cinema make from history of Buddha which this cinema shows about painful,difficult and abandon from lust and everything.After that finished to cinema I feels an impression and want to see the movie again.I thinks it is cinema It gives a benefit and knowledge a lot of and In everyspeak of cinema it gives to viewpoint and profit.Then we went to 555 store.This store sell about to paper and letter envelop which inside to store will have a different of paper but when it has a pretty of paper it will have an expensive and I bought to diary which it has snoopy on note and it has a price 89 bath.Then,
we walked out from department and across to opposite for called to taxi but before called younger sister want to buy hand – bag and perfume which when we stayed to perfume store and shop assistant get to inject,suddenly I feels headache and giddy but after we go up on taxi I feels a comfort and normal.We arrived home at 5.10 pm.Then,I and family went to restaurant for have food because next week my father will to travel for working and my mother will to travel for working too.And today my friends send to message for bless for me which it makes a happy for me.

December 13, 2007

What this do you last weekend?

On Saturday.In the morning ,I get up to 8.30 am but I don’t to take a bath.I watch a television I watch to about cartoon and series Korea. I get dressed to 11.30 am ,then I’m housework is to iron clothes and launder by washing machine. After that finish to housework,I went to Siam square in order to x-ray tooth which this clinic stay to Siam square and under a foot – bridge between Siam square and MBK.After I finished to x-ray,I necessary to wait film which it must to wait an estimate 20 – 30 minutes which I,mom and sister walked out from clinic and enter in Bonanza which there have 3 floors and top floor have foot – bridge to across to toward MBK.But,we walked to bottom floor area and my sister walked to pass a store,she saw it have a similar to evening dress but when ask a price, this suit of clothes have a price as don’t to expensive and coincidental is my family will go to wedding at TAWANA HOTEL which my sister accepted to bought this suit of clothes in price 400 bath,then we come back to clinic in order to get film x-ray and outside from clinic which we are decision go to Khongsarn by taxi but we don’t to goal which I called to Sipraya Pier and we can cross from one side of river because of it can to arrive a goal.We walked to Khongsarn Market.This market have a similsry with Bonanza but this market have a price to cheap more than Bonanza.Khongsarn market have a shoes store so much which have style for man and woman.Also,a clothes have a lot of and have a different design but the most it will be clothes of woman.I bought to a woolen coat 1 piece and mom with sister bought to shoes each 1 piece.After that,we walked to in front of market,we bought to papaya, chicken fried, pork fried and glutinous rice which papaya store it has a mortar as big size and I don’t to saw a mortar this style.Then,we called to tuk-tuk toward my home.Not much longer I went to yard which have name is LAN KHON MUENG,there have a wide size and there will be have aerobic dance in evening and everyday and I don’t to aerobic dance but I rode a bicycle.After that I walked to cuttlefish shop and fruit shop which cuttlefish and fruit ,I likes it.Also,fruit as I likes is mango and guava.Then,I’m playing computer and I received a phone from friend and talked until to midnight which I urgently to sleep since tomorrow,I necessary must to get up since early.

On Sunday.My family went to wedding of relative which it’s a wedding in afternoon and I dressed to coat,short – trousers and canvas shoes but we can’t to stay until finish.Because my father have a necessary must to prepare in order to go to airport for fly to SONGKLAH.Also,in the evening I have a party at Benjamarachalai School which a ticket have a price is 500 each person.Which I pay to money but I don’t to go to party because I’m sick and I have a manner is headache and I feel giddy.Which It is to cause until I woke up late on Monday.